intellectual works

英 [ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəl wɜːks] 美 [ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəl wɜːrks]




  1. Intellectual and artistic activity, and the works produced by it. museum pieces, archives and object d'art
  2. To strengthen protection of intellectual property rights of animation works.
  3. The breakdown of the intellectual class raises higher standard for the works on non-Party intellectuals;
  4. Economic Globalization and the Intellectual Works of Our Party
  5. His prose was considered as the real scholar prose with the conscience of intellectual and the strict foresight of history in his works.
  6. A scientific understanding and clear conception of intellectual works serves to protect the various rights related to them and to disseminate the intellectual results of mankind.
  7. The Responsibility of Infringement upon the Copyright of Intellectual Works in Network Environment
  8. Conflict of Rights Posed by Overlapping Intellectual Property Protection Concerning Works of Fine Art
  9. The author considered that sports competition events and the techniques and tactics employed in sports competition were not suitable for copyright protection, and that what the copyright protects was the expressing form of an intellectual achievement, namely, the works, but not the contents.
  10. Study on Technological Measures for Protecting Intellectual Property Right of Digital Works
  11. Part Five: The application of technical measures to protect intellectual property rights of digital works in information service industry.
  12. Owing to its emphasis on Guidance and Conduct despite of the basic similarities among Introduction of Geographical Sciences, General and Outline, more attention should be paid to the intellectual and ideological preparation works before penetrating into research geographical sciences.
  13. In addition, after gaining the real feeling and aesthetic intuition of the universe and life, litterateurs also should express these in their literary works with intuitional manner and method to eliminate the intellectual gulf and form the artistic conception of the works.
  14. And then the author futher conclude the definition and characteristics of the protection for the intellectual property rights in the advertising works.
  15. On the Problems of Intellectual Property of Digital Works
  16. The writing, by analyzing the case study of the intellectual property rights piracy of archeological academic works and common scientific readings, puts forward the protection range of intellectual property rights law and the definition of the rational use of academic works in common scientific readings.
  17. Their features of digital libraries and intellectual property rights inevitably lead to the unconformity of works digitalization, database development and information service and intellectual property protection.
  18. The intellectual proprietorship of folklore works is multiple.
  19. Part Three: Technological measures for protecting intellectual property rights of digital works.
  20. Intellectual works are the objects of copyright.
  21. Consequently, we should learn how to be seasoned with economy globalization, how to strengthen and improve the intellectual works of our party and face the challenge brought by economic globalization.
  22. Works of spoof are not derivative works as are defined in the Intellectual Property Law, but works of parody, which do not infringe upon the copyright of original writers.
  23. As the client and a designing educator, the author has been reflecting about the intellectual protection in designing works.
  24. Viewing History of Art from the Viewpoint of An Intellectual Historian& Reflections on Several Works on the History of Art Published Since 2000
  25. Nowadays, market economy has become a time of knowledge and economy. Intellectual property that works as an intangible assets, plays an important role to the development of economy.
  26. The phenomena of piracy prevail increasingly, and the traditional measures of intellectual property protection can not solve the current problems of intellectual property protection of digital works.
  27. In recent years, there has been a lot of intellectual property community cases about folklore derivative works and the accepted courts have conducted different verdicts.
  28. They are all the objects of the intellectual property, but works, patents and trademarks are different.
  29. However, the intellectual property protection of works of applied art has obvious deficiencies, even legislative blanks, which will have an adverse effect upon the economic development of our country.
  30. As the intellectual achievement architectural designers 'creative, architectural works embody the unique artistic expression of architectural designers.